ATTENTION Serious Shooter: Don’t spend another dime on ammo or firearms training until you read this important message…

“The Most Time Efficient
Money-Saving Way
In The World To Become
A “Master Marksman”
(With Any Gun)”

My new tool will have you shooting
300% better in 21 days
or your money back…for less than the cost
of a box of practice ammo!

Dry Fire Training Cards

Re: How to keep training when ammo is hard to find and even harder to afford.

Dear Fellow gun owner,

If you’re like me, and every single shooter I know–from complete newbies to world champions–you want to shoot faster, tighter, and more accurate groups.

The big problem is,

How do you acquire and keep the muscle memory necessary to shoot fast, tight, accurate groups without spending all of your time and money in the process?

The simple answer is dry fire, but the “rest of the story” is where it gets interesting. Keep reading to see what I mean…

You can always tell the guys at the range who dry fire—they perform at a level that seems impossible to mere mortals, but in the next few minutes, you’re going to learn how to make that kind of performance a reality for yourself.

I’m David Morris, and if you’ve read my best selling firearms book, “Tactical Firearms Training Secrets”, you already know that dry fire is practicing all of the functions and movements that you would normally do with your weapon–except without live ammo.

Think about it for a second…when you dry fire, you’re practicing everything up to the point where the weapon goes “bang.” In other words, all of the actions that determine where the bullet goes! Once you hear the “bang” the outcome is already fixed.

Whether you have a micro-compact pocket pistol or a super-accurate $3,000 race gun, the biggest opportunity for improvement in your speed and accuracy is what YOU do up to the point where the trigger releases and the firing pin strikes the primer.

The great news is that you can train everything up to the point where you weapon goes “bang” with dry fire without the DISTRACTION of the gun going off.

Yes, I know it’s fun to make things go “bang”, but the simple fact is that the excited anticipation of the gun going “bang” and the resulting kinetic effect on what the bullet hits can easily distract you from the solid fundamentals needed to shoot fast, tight, accurate groups.

Dry fire lets you focus on the fundamentals…

The Fundamentals that will
Impress your Friends, Win Competitions,
and might even Mean the Difference
Between Going Home or to the Hospital
(or worse) in a Self-Defense Situation.

Dry fire is widely recognized as the most effective and least used firearms training technique known to man. Militaries around the globe, special operations units, (including ALL of the Tier I units like Delta and Team 6), Olympic shooters, and champion competition shooters have been successfully using dry fire training for decades.

Ever take a defensive pistol class or go to a high-speed, multi-day training from a great local instructor or one of the big schools, like Gunsite, Thunder Ranch, Sig Sauer, Frontsight, or Blackwater? Did you know that if you don’t keep practicing when you get home, you’ll lose 20% of what you learned within 7-10 days and up to 80% within a few weeks if you don’t keep practicing what you learned?

Put another way,

If you’re not doing dry fire after
attending training classes,
you’re throwing away 20-80% of the
time and money you invested.

You wouldn’t stand for 20-80% losses in your retirement account, and you shouldn’t stand for those kinds of losses with your shooting skills!

But practicing with live ammo when you get home can be prohibitively expensive. And heck…even if you had the money to buy the ammo to shoot every day, you probably wouldn’t have the time.

Dry fire completely eliminates the obstacles of time and money so that you can maintain and improve your shooting skills at home to whatever level you choose.

To be fair, I’ve trained with dozens of high end instructors across the country and most of them tell their students, “If you want to be good, you need to go home and practice this stuff with dry fire.” But they don’t tell them how to dry fire, or give them the tools or a proven program to follow. In fact, out of 30+ instructors that I’ve trained with, only one sent us home the first night with snap caps, a regimen to follow, and instructions not to come back if we didn’t practice. (I’ll share his contact information with you in a bit.) Most of the rest leave it up to the student to figure out how to do dry fire correctly.

Let me give you an example of a shooter named “Tommy.” Tommy went to a $1,000 5 day course where he trained with a cadre of incredible instructors and shot 3,000 rounds. At the end of the 5 days, his skills were sharp and he felt like he could have taken down Bin Laden in his compound all by himself.

Tommy went home and remembered that his instructors told him he needed to dry fire to retain his skills, so he practiced shooting bad guys on his TV a few times with an empty weapon—but that got boring pretty fast.

So, Tommy went online in search of dry fire exercises that don’t suck–and spent the next 4 hours looking at an assortment of articles and videos that each showed 1, 2, or 3 techniques apiece…most of which overlapped what the other articles and videos showed.

In the end, after spending all that time “researching” the free stuff on the internet, Tommy had 4-5 new drills to do, but he got bored with them within a week, stopped doing dry fire training, and his skills from his high dollar class petered out over the next few weeks. By the time he shot with his friends again, his skills were barely better than before the course and all he had left were a cool cap, a high-speed shirt, a bumper sticker and happy memories of his high-dollar, high-speed training course.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

As the example with Tommy illustrated, most people don’t dry fire (or stop dry firing) because they don’t know what kind of drills to do or they get bored with the process—even though they know that dry fire is the single most effective tool to take them from where they are now to where they want to be as a shooter.  To be clear, it’s not the instructors’ fault–they’ve got an oppressively small amount of time to convey a lifetime of lessons and experience.

And that’s why I created Dry Fire Training Cards

Dry Fire Training Cards pick up where high speed instructors leave off.  They are a collection of more than 50 dry fire training exercises and drills that cover firearms fundamentals, advanced concepts, dry fire exercise drills, dry fire complex movement drills, and low-light drills.

They don’t replace live training…they are a force multiplier that will allow you to create neural pathways (muscle memory) and hardwire perfect form into your subconscious mind faster (and cheaper) than what is humanly possible with live fire or traditional dry fire alone.  And the best thing is, they’ll work seamlessly with whatever training you’ve had in the past.

The more than 50 dry fire exercises and drills
contained in Dry Fire Training Cards
means that you’ll ALWAYS have
another powerful and exciting
dry fire drill to look forward to!

In fact, you’ll probably find yourself, like me, thinking throughout the day about the next time you’ll be able to run through a handful of your Dry Fire Training Cards.

Here’s Just a LITTLE of what you’ll get with your
Dry Fire Training Cards –

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The fundamentals start out with basic “blocking and tackling” drills like:
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  • Mastering the 10 second drawstroke
  • Eyes shut grip
  • Transitioning your weapon between hands
  • Reloads & Malfunctions
  • Eye exercises to get you on target faster
Then move on to more advanced drills, like:

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  • Drawing, engaging, and 1 hand reloads with your support hand
  • “fat finger” training
  • The “Yoda”
  • Stress Shooting Crucible
  • 2 inch punch shot
The movement drills include 2 completely different classes of drills.

First, we’ve got exercise combined with dry fire—with the goal being to practice shooting fundamentals with a higher than resting heart rate in non-ideal (realistic) positions:
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  • Pushups to failure and engage targets
  • One handed military press while engaging targets
  • Recover and engage from flat on your back
Second, we’ve got a series of semi-complex motions for you to do while you’re acquiring and engaging targets that are designed to develop neural pathways faster and deeper than “pure” dry-fire alone. This is professional grade, cutting edge performance physiology that is incredibly powerful—and it’s delivered in a way that anyone can understand and benefit from it. Some of these have an exercise component to them, and others are just specific movements combined with dry fire. The highest of the high speed of these drills come from a friend of mine who was a SEAL with Team 3. You’ll learn more about him when you get your deck. Some of these drills are:

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  • Step Onto A Block And Engage
  • Lunge and Engage
  • Stand Up, Sit Down, Fight, Fight, Fight!
  • Circle The Drain

AND, since 80% of armed defensive encounters happen in low-light conditions, you’re also going to get 13 low-light drills that will help you “Own The Night.” Besides helping you prepare for the conditions where 80% of armed defensive encounters occur, when you train to operate successfully in low light conditions and then add light, you’re just that much better. Some of these drills are:

  • Dark and Stormy Night
  • He Hates Cans!
  • Surprise Transition Between Light and Dark
  • Dark Parking Lot, Groceries In The Way
  • Malfunction Drills In The Dark, With A Light
That’s less than half of the drills that you’ll get, and each drill is spelled out on the card so that all you’ll need to do is shuffle the deck (or the section you want to focus on), flip a card, and get training.


MadeInUSAIn case you’re wondering how big these cards are and what they’re made of, they’re printed on high end poker card stock so they’ll fit almost anywhere and are durable enough to last a lifetime.  To be precise, they’re printed on some of the best card stock in the world and the US printer I’ve been working with for the last 4 years actually sells to Chinese companies because they can’t match his quality!

Again, dry fire is a proven technique for achieving EXTREME levels of speed, accuracy, and precision. That’s why America’s elite military service academies choose to use dry fire training, as well as Army Special Forces (My brother is an 18A), the Navy SEAL BUD/S program (several of the drills come from a former SEAL from Team 3) and more.

Perhaps most impressively, Dry Fire Training Cards will give you more dry fire training drills than any other product on the market in a form that’s powerful, fun, compact, easy to use and at a price you can afford.

There we go…price. Let’s knock this out quick. What you’re really buying here is a training system that will give you peace of mind knowing that you can perform at the level you need to with a weapon—no matter how stressful the situation or what the circumstances may be. What’s that worth?

Well, people pay thousands of dollars for weapons, ammo, and training that gives them skills that peter out unless they’re maintained. Those skills are worth thousands of dollars and Dry Fire Training Cards will help keep them sharp and even help you improve on them.

But you won’t have to pay anywhere near that much…

I can’t afford to give them away…cards are expensive to produce in the US, and I’ve got to shell out the money to buy thousands of decks at a time to get good pricing. When I talked with firearms industry leaders, I got back numbers all over the place…from $27.00 to $47.00 per set and even as high as $97. Everyone agreed that Dry Fire Training Cards are a “must have” item for shooters and that they would pay for themselves SO quickly that they’d be a bargain at those prices.

But through the years, I’ve always slept good at night knowing that I provide my customers with a LOT of value for their dollar.

Because I want to get Dry Fire Training Cards into the market, and help as many of my fellow shooters as possible, if you act right now, you can get your own set for

$17 $11 + $6 Flat Rate S&H!

As if that’s not enough, if you take action now, I’m also going to give you immediate access to the PDF version of the companion guide that goes into detail on how to make the drills harder or easier, some of the psychology and physiology behind the drills, and the finer points of how to do the drills for maximum benefit.

And, just so you won’t have any excuse about getting started today, I’ll also give you the printable version of the cards that you can print off and start using immediately–that way you won’t even have to wait for your real cards to arrive in the mail!

If you come back and you don’t see the special $11 pricing, the bonus companion guide, or the bonus printable version of the cards, that means you missed out…so act now.

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YES! I want to shoot faster, tighter, and more accurate groups in the next 21 days without spending hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars on ammo.
Send me my Dry Fire Training Cards!

Today Only $11

Here’s exactly what you’ll get:

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  • Special $11 pricing on Dry Fire Training Cards that we’ll rush to you within 1 business day!
  • Instant access to the bonus printable version of the drills, so you can start using them immediately.
  • Instant access to the bonus Dry Fire Training Cards Companion Guide that will go into detail on how to make the drills harder or easier, how to modify them for different circumstances, and the psychology and physiology behind the drills.
  • It’s all backed by a 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee!

Here’s what you do to order… Have your MasterCard, American Express or Visa ready and click the big yellow button below to continue and pick your quantity…

Click HERE To Add To Cart

regardless of quantity! (except for wholesale)


21 Day Challenge and 60 Day Guarantee:

Look, I use these drills, our elite operators use these drills, and champion shooters use these drills…so there’s no question that you’ll see incredible results if you simply take a few minutes each day and use your Dry Fire Training Cards when you get them.

You’d have a hard time putting together this huge of a variety of dry fire exercises that reinforce each other, are practical, and don’t take a ton of setup & tear down time to use.  Besides that, card decks are the most useful format to use for dry fire drills.  They’re easier (and more fun) than using your computer, a DVD, or a book, and ANYTHING you can do to make dry fire drills easier and more fun means you’ll practice more often and become a better shooter in a shorter period of time.

But I still understand that you might still have doubts. And that’s why I’m going to invite you to be a part of my 21 Day Challenge AND offer you a full money back guarantee. Here’s how they work.

I got the idea for a 21 day challenge from a friend of mine, Pat Kilchermann–who I’ll tell you more about after you get your cards–and it is brilliant. Grab 2 identical targets and 20-50 rounds of ammo. Go to where you normally shoot and shoot half of the rounds at the first target. Save the rest, go home, and use my Dry Fire Training Cards for just 15 minutes per day for the next 21 days. At the end of 21 days, go back to the range, shoot the 2nd half of your ammo at the target and compare the two. I’d love it if you would take the time to take a couple of pictures of your targets and send them to me to share with others (anonymously, if you’d like)

After 21 days, if you’re not absolutely THRILLED with how much you’ve improved, simply send me your before and after targets and your Dry Fire Training Cards in “like-new” condition and I’ll refund your full purchase price.

Dry Fire Training Cards Guarantee

How can I make that kind of guarantee? Because top fighter pilots use simulators, professional fighters do shadow boxing, and elite shooters use dry fire.  These drills have been proven to work by the apex of elite shooters and the ONLY way that you won’t shoot better after getting Dry Fire Training Cards is if you make the choice to refuse to train.

And, actually, if you’re the kind of weak-willed person who might roll over, give up, not use the cards, and then say they don’t work and ask for a refund, then please don’t waste your time or mine by buying them in the first place. But, since you’re the type of person who values firearms training enough to read this far, I think it’s safe to say that you and I are cut from the same cloth, you are determined to become a better shooter, are willing to put in 15 minutes per day, and wouldn’t pull hurtful shenanigans like that on a fellow shooter :)

Click HERE To Add To Cart

Common Questions.

-Won’t Dry Fire Hurt My Gun?

Answer: If your gun is a quality factory made (preferably US, Israeli, or European made) handgun that was made since Reagan beat Carter and is a center-fire (not rimfire like .22), then you’re good to go. In fact, many handgun manuals explicitly say that it’s fine to dry fire. If you have any doubts, read your manual, contact the manufacturer, or ask a local gunsmith.

-I’ve trained with the best instructor at the best school in the world.  Are you going to try to change my technique?

Answer:  No.  Dry Fire Training Cards will not replace current techniques that you have.  They are not dogmatic and if you’d compare them to a country, they’d most resemble Switzerland–everyone gets along with Switzerland.  Dry Fire Training Cards are designed so that every single instructor and school in the country can confidently sell them with the knowledge that the drills will help their students.  In fact, I’m open to making custom decks for schools that are interested in having their branding and verbiage on the cards.

The purpose of Dry Fire Training Cards isn’t to teach technique, it’s to help you take the best technique that you already know and help you develop neural pathways so that you can execute solid fundamentals (rather than spraying and praying) under stress.

-I’m a newbie shooter. Will Dry Fire Training Cards work for me?
-I’m a special forces firearms instructor at the Special Warfare Center and School. How in the heck will your cards help a bad ass like me?

Answer: Dry Fire Training Cards will help any shooter who wants to improve their speed, accuracy, and precision. One problem with traditional dry fire training is that if you do the same dry fire training all the time, the mind learns to filter it out and the neural pathways don’t translate over to live fire.

The variety of exercises in Dry Fire Training Cards and the multifaceted approach means that your mind will get enough variety to be stimulated and for growth to keep happening.

Dry Fire Training Cards are designed to work best after a shooter has received SOME instruction from a qualified instructor…preferably an NRA, law enforcement, or military instructor with proper emphasis on safety and correct form.

This means that if you’ve trained at high end national schools like Frontsight, Gunsite, Suarez, Sig, ICE, Blackwater/Xe/Academi, Costa Ludas, Thunder Ranch, or any of the thousands of elite local trainers across the country, these cards will help drive home the lessons you paid to learn. Put another way, they’ll convert the techniques that you paid to learn and know in your head into skills that you can actually depend on under stress.

Fitness level

-I’m in horrible shape. Will Dry Fire Training Cards work for me?
-I’ve got nerve/muscle issues that cause the shakes. Will Dry Fire Training Cards work for me?
-I’m a world champion fitness guru. Will your Dry Fire Training Cards work for me?
-I have a non-functional/amputated limb. Will your Dry Fire Training Cards work for me?

Answer: Dry Fire Training Cards are not dogmatic and users can alter the drills so that they are more or less challenging without compromising the benefits of the drills. As you find drills that work particularly good for you, I’d ask that you email them to me so that I can share them with others.

Every single person is going to have a performance ceiling. If you’ve got the shakes or are in your 80s and out of shape, your groups won’t be as fast, tight, and accurate as if you were in the best shape of your life, but the drills WILL still help you shoot better.

A lot of shooters that I know (my 77 year old mother included) can’t shoot as much as they like anymore because of hand and wrist pain, but still view their firearms as a primary self-defense tool. Dry fire is a perfect tool for people in this situation.


-Are Dry Fire Training Cards safe?
-Won’t I put a hole in my TV if I do dry fire?

In this day and age, nothing is safe. If you try to eat Dry Fire Training Cards, you could choke, get indigestion, or some other crazy problem. You could get a paper cut from Dry Fire Training Cards. If you roll a card up, you could probably shove it in your ear and do some pretty good damage. I’m not joking with these examples—simply highlighting how warped our society has become in regards to “safety” and blame. In short, they’re not safe and if that’s a concern, you probably shouldn’t buy them.

Using Dry Fire Training Cards is another matter. By definition, dry fire training is responsible training with a weapon platform without any ammunition present or training, an inert weapon platform, or with a simulated weapon platform. You can still get hurt if you fall on it, trip and fall while doing a drill, etc.

But, if you have a negligent discharge during your training, then you weren’t doing dry fire. Dry fire is responsible training with a weapon platform without any ammunition present, an inert weapon platform, or training with a simulated weapon platform. If a live round of ammunition gets introduced into the mix, it is not dry fire and it is not an accident—it’s negligence and it’s your responsibility to keep it from happening.

When you order your Dry Fire Training Cards, I’ll share a handful of quick resources with you for safer dry fire training, but it’s important to remember that the purpose of a firearm is to project massive kinetic force and penetrate objects at a distance and anything you do with a firearm includes a significant amount of risk.

Will you sell these to kids under 18/21?

Adults who own firearms should have all firearms in their house secured so that unauthorized users can’t access them. It is their choice and responsibility, not mine or the cards, to determine who has access to the firearms. That being said, the drills can be done with inert training platforms like blue guns, SIRTs, or even kinetic platforms like airsoft (with the approval and supervision of the parent).

In addition, once you’ve done the drills for real and can see yourself doing the drill in your mind, Dry Fire Training Cards can be used for mental rehearsal without any platform whatsoever—just by going through the drills in your head. In fact, mental imagery (without physical movement) is a way that you can do firearms training on ANY commercial airline flight in the world—or even while you’re going through airport security…that is, until they start arresting people for thought crimes.

Will Dry Fire Training Cards work for revolvers?

The terminology used in Dry Fire Training Cards is directed towards semi-automatic firearms shooters because that is what most people carry for self-defense purposes. Again, since the cards are fundamental and not dogmatic, they will work for revolvers as well as they work for semi-automatics. A few of the cards won’t be applicable (like malfunction drills) but the majority will be.

Wholesale Ordering

-I’m an instructor and I want to give/sell Dry Fire Training Cards to my students so they can retain the skills that I teach them after class. Can I buy cards at wholesale?

-I own a gun store/sporting goods store/internet store/gun show table and I’d love to sell Dry Fire Training Cards. Can I buy cards at wholesale?

YES! We love our resellers and have a number of high quality physical products that you can profitably sell. Simply contact Evan at wholesale at (get rid of the spaces and replace “at” with @) and he’ll get you pricing.

Do you have more questions? If so, click the blue “questions” box in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Otherwise, click the BIG yellow “Add To Cart” button to order right now.

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